With multiple configurations, is it possible to add_custom_command as a final step?

This is on a build box, where the generator is "Ninja Multi-Config", and -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES="Release;Debug" -DCMAKE_DEFAULT_CONFIGS=all. After the project is built (it has multiple libraries), I want to run a custom command to tar up a couple directories (that contain Debug and Release artifacts).

In the CMakeLists.txt of the last library built (renamed to LastTargetBuilt for this example), I currently have:

add_custom_command(TARGET LastTargetBuilt POST_BUILD
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar “cf” “${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ZIP_FILENAME}” --format=zip – “*”

However, in the generated .zip, I am only seeing a single library built by the Debug (the second in the list of configuration types), where I see all the Release libraries.

I also tried:

COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar “cf” “${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ZIP_FILENAME}” --format=zip – “*”
DEPENDS LastTargetBuilt

add_custom_target(ArchiveProject ALL

And this does not generate an archive at all.

When attaching to LastTargetBuilt, that is actually a per-configuration thing because that target exists independently in each configuration. I don’t know if there’s a vetted way of doing this in multi-config generators at all at the moment.

Cc: @brad.king @kyle.edwards