verbose output with NMake Makefiles and msvc

How must I write my cmake files in order to see the actual command line with cl compiler and nmake makefile (I’d like to check the used compilation and link options, as with make and CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON)


It looks like the NMake generator is a subclass of the “normal” Makefiles generator. The mechanism is that it sets a VERBOSE variable to 1. This then affects a MAKESILENT variable and .SILENT: pseudo-target. My guess is that NMake has some other mechanism that isn’t covered here.


One can run nmake VERBOSE=1 to see the commands.

However, the NMake generator uses the @<< inline response file syntax, a feature of nmake to avoid exceeding its command-line length limits. Unfortunately it hides some of the command line arguments inside a temporary response file with no way to see them.

One may manually inspect the generated CMakeFiles/*.dir/{build,flags}.make files to see the flags.

OK, it’s a shame though
Thanks anyway