Unable to resolve @rpath not found

I’m trying to compile WSJT-X for MacOS 12.3. Environment includes Xcode, Macports, Cmake 3.22.3 and QT 5.15.2. I use the Cmake GUI to configure and generate build files. WSJT-X builds without errors when I use the make command in Terminal. But when I use the make install command, I get the following during bundle fixup:

can’t open file: @rpath/QtSql.framework/Versions/5/QtSql (No such file or

I’ve googled and tried a number of Cmake commands to resolve including CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH pointing right at the missing file
CMAKE_INSTALL_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES point to the correct path and

but its a no go. Any suggestions as to how to resolve would be greatly appreciated.

You can probably tell that I’m a NOOB

Is it using fixup_bundle? It has a problem on macOS where it assumes there is only one rpath entry and it doesn’t implement inheriting the value either.

Cc: @kyle.edwards

Yes its using fixup_bundle:
– fixup_bundle: preparing…

warning: cannot resolve item ‘@rpath/QtSql.framework/Versions/5/QtSql’

Is there a way to resolver?..Thanks for responding!