Hi all.
I’m new in cmake so maybe my question sound kinda dummy.
I’m dealing with a 3rd part dependencies. For those dependencies I use the fetchContent to deal with the them. Each depenency have a code similar to this
message("Adding library A...")
GIT_REPOSITORY "https://gitpath/dependency_a.git"
GIT_TAG "main"
if(NOT librarya_POPULATED)
message("not found, downloading...")
add_subdirectory(${librarya_SOURCE_DIR} ${librarya_BINARY_DIR})
message("Lib found, adding...")
set(LIBRARYA_INCLUDE_DIRS ${librarya_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
Now my problems come when I try to swap between toolchains. Until now we never use more than a simple toolchain with gcc (I never set by myself I just have the CC and CXX set into $ENV) , but now we need also intel compilator, and swap depending on the machine to run. When I try to set the icpx and icx I have a problem each time the FetchContent_Populate run thow and error because they remove the actual toolchain and cannot find the new compilers.
I found that this MR https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/merge_requests/8248/diffs talk about remove the cache because we need to download.
I’m not pretty sure at this point where I need to upload the the toolchain file, as well how dynamically select witch toolchain use based on the parent project toolchain.
I can send a MR to the libraries teams, to include changes changes into the library, so I find kind of “bad practice” to hardcode into the CMakeList.txt after I populate.
file(READ ${gtest_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt gtest_CMakeLists)
# I want to avoid this kind of practice
string(FIND "${gtest_CMakeLists}" "CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0048 NEW)" CMP0048_FOUND)
if(CMP0048_FOUND EQUAL -1)
message(STATUS "INTEL compiter Not found, adding it to the GoogleTest CMakeLists.txt")
string(REGEX REPLACE "project\\( googletest-distribution \\)" "SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /opt/intel.... )\nproject( googletest-distribution )" gtest_CMakeLists "${gtest_CMakeLists}")
file(WRITE ${gtest_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt "${gtest_CMakeLists}")
message(STATUS "Intel compiler found")
I wan to avoid this as much as possible (since in most of the libraries I can push commits)
Thanks in advice to everyone,
Best regards,
Alberto Merino.