Test start time stamp in junit xml output

Hi all,

Would it be possible to add the timestamp for a test node when the test starts, in the generated junit xml. I would suggest Unix epoch in milliseconds. Think it would be useful in generating a timeline of execution.

Would be interested in your feedback

Best regards

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Is there precedent in other JUnit output from other tools? Or examples of what JUnit-consuming tools are looking for? Iā€™m very hesitant to start extending JUnit in CMake-specific ways because things like that always turn into a maintenance nightmare. If you find examples, feel free to open a feature request.

Though I think I see an issue already.

Hi Ben,

Junit5 generates time stamps per test in its junit report. Example can be seen here: JUnit 5 XML Report Example

Seems like junit5 now follows Open Test Reporting formats, shown here:

Also some other schemas i could find:

I realise not many tools have this in their junit report, so I wont push for this any more :slight_smile:
Only reason for this request is that if this start time stamp is present per testcase, then i can have one place to get a execution timeline of different tests, which is very valuable to optimize the test execution.

I will leave the decision upto you, but thanks a lot for your time so far :slight_smile:


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Thanks for the research; do you mind putting this into the issue for whoever may work on it?

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