Tasking compiler: Linking error - "cctc E205: don’t know what to do with @CMakeFiles\sample.rsp"

i have created cmake project , i included all the source files , i am able to generate object files but i got linking error.
this is the error → “cctc E205: don’t know what to do with @CMakeFiles\sample.rsp” .
compiler : TASKING

please help me how to resolve this linking error.

It seems that the compiler in use doesn’t understand response files. What compiler is this?

Tasking compiler

I’ve never heard of this compiler. It might be that CMake doesn’t support it. What compiler does it get detected as?


I’ve given compiler(.exe) in the CmakeLists.txt.

do i need to mention anything about sample.rsp in CmakeLists.txt ?

No, the response files are a mechanism used in CMake (probably the Ninja generator here).

And how does CMake identify it? There should be a line in an initial configure about “compiler identification”. If CMake doesn’t know how to use the compiler you’ve given, it won’t be able to make command lines that work for it. If it thinks it is MSVC or something, it better well act like MSVC or things just won’t work.

Cmake generated the *.rsp file always using @ but this is not accepted by tasking compiler. Tasking compiler expects -f instead of @.

So, to read *.rsp file add "set(CMAKE_C_RESPONSE_FILE_LINK_FLAG "-f “)” in Cmakelists.txt

Hi @satheesh.jetti
I created a pull request to add tasking compiler support to CMake.


A Tasking compiler is not generating exe files, it’s making binaries for embedded systems (in my case: car electronics). It’s creating Hex files and elf files.
We are currently having a home-made build system made in Python, but are looking for something more ‘professional’.
I’m also trying to understand what is needed to make a toolchain that supports the Tasking compiler, but I’m totally new to cmake, so if someone can help, I’d appreciate a lot.

Hi @BlueFlash,

CMake can build embedded apps as good as desktop apps. The PR with the compiler support will add everything necessary to build Tricore (TC3x and TC4x) applications. By default it creates elf-files, but you can add options for hex as well. I use it to build TC3x applications already and it works great. Together with ninja its very fast. Are you using tricore as well?

glad to hear that, i’m trying to build tc3xx together with ninja too,
but i face some errors, could u kindly share your prj?

I can create an example project. The support for the tasking compiler will land in the next release. https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/merge_requests/7491

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