Set global Compile option flag, Intel compiler Vectorization report txt file for each generated object.

Intel compiler has an compile option flag that generates a vectorization report txt file.
I am looking for tips on how to set this as an global option and put the report for each Cmake generated sub directories “CMakeFiles” .

In my project each lib/exe target has own cmakelist file.

Below works, but i want to set it globally as an option and put each report in the CmakeFiles folders.

target_compile_options(lib/exec PRIVATE(
$<$<AND:$<COMPILE_LANG_AND_ID:CXX,IntelLLVM>,$<CONFIG:RelWithDebInfo>>:-qopt-report=3 -qopt-report-file=${what directory?}compiler_opt_report.txt>

Setting it in cmake presets works like below, but it generates a aggregated vectorization report. I want a report for each target, but maybe its a compiler issue… hmm

      "inherits": "OneApi",
      "name": "OneApi_RelWithDebInfo",
      "displayName": "OneApi RelWithDebInfo",
      "description": "RelWithDebInfo build using Ninja generator",
      "cacheVariables": {
        "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "RelWithDebInfo",
        "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO": "-qopt-report=3 -qopt-report-file=compiler_opt_report.txt"