Refactoring CTest

Recently, I wrote down some ideas how I think CTest should be refactored.

This summarizes the refactoring steps:

I also wrote some introduction about that topic in a blog post called “Building and Testing with CMake”, but as a new user, I am not allowed to put more than two links here…

This is a draft of the first refactoring step, explained in the blog post above.

I am very open for comments. I am also open for sponsoring, if you consider that work useful.


@purpleKarrot thanks for looking at this. The conventions around CTest’s role as a dashboard client changed several times over the years, so the internals are a patchwork of varying styles. It will be nice to get that cleaned up!

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The –build-config argument should be changed to --config like it is used with cmake.

The --config and -C should be common options with same sematic.

P.S: It is also inconsistent in cpack?

see too