Recommended approach for having multiple "products/exports/libraries/executables"

after reading a lot of documentation I think I understand how to Configure, Build, Export, Install, … a project with one main “product/…”, such as a library or exe, using modern cmake pratices. However I’m still unsure on how to tackle a project which builds multiple “things”.

To give a concrete example, a project which has a couple of executables, with mostly identical boilerplate and dependencies. In the end I would like some predictable folder structure for each exe containing: the executable, dependend dlls (from within the project), potential resources, … .

Simply using install, to my knowledge, would result in a folder containing all executable together ($install/bin/exe1.exe, $install/bin/exe2.exe,…). This seems like it would make following steps more difficult and might result in dll being present which are not actual dependencies for certain executables.

With this in mind, what is the recommended approach for structuring a project like this, and how do the various tools offered by cmake (POST_BUILD, install, install(EXPORT), install(COMPONENT), …) fit into this?

(This should support multiple platforms)