СмакеPresets.json - conditional inheritance

It is necessary to build the project on different hosts (Windows, Linux). Target - bare metal and does not depend on the host.

I made a nested PresetsJson which has 2 subconfigurations with platform-specific settings:

Then in the main CMakePresets.json I created different configurations.
“name”: “Debug”,
“inherits”: “Platform${hostSystemName}”, or “inherits”: “Platform$env{hostSystemName}”,
“displayName”: “Debug”,
“description”: “Debug”,

It does not work :slight_smile:
As I understand it, you cannot use env variables in “inherits”?

I also tried creating nested PresetsJson with different names for different platforms:
“include”: [

This also doesn’t work.

Is there a way to write basic Presets that can then be used depending on the platform?
PS: there can be many final configurations, I don’t want to multiply their number by the number of hosts.
I use Visual Studio Code

see Workflow Presets: We need support for macro expansion in inherits field - #5 by ClausKlein for an working example