Persuading file(DOWNLOAD) to do best-effort for ssl revoke


The embedded libcurl seems to ignore my .curlrc. I’ve tried try setting CURLRC or CURL_HOME env vars in an effort to persuade it, but to no avail.

I’m trying to get it to do ssl-revoke-best-effort to work around a quirky certificate chain I have no control over. I’d rather not break out the execute_process() to work around the lack of “best effort” options to file(DOWNLOAD). This does the job for curl on the command line and for vcpkg binary cache, but not file(DOWNLOAD).

Yes, TLS_VERIFY off does the job, but it’s not ideal. Can I be more specific somehow?

P.S. This is Windows, CMake 3.30.5.


If an option CURLRC could be added internally to CMake command file(DOWNLOAD) and file(UPLOAD) similar to how the NETRC option is implemented, this would allow users to specify arbitrarily complex per-command configurations.

For example, like your case where you want the command to have TLS verify on, but allow for some systems that have issues with the cert chain.

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Yes, that would suit me just fine.

I guess I’m asking has it been deliberately hobbled, or am I just not doing it right?

I think it was just never implemented. Because until recently CMake TLS defaulted to off, such problems weren’t noticed.