Module std.compat is not compiled with UTF8

Hey guys, I have been trying to work with import.std using this blogpost with latest MSVC17
For most files this works fine, however some headers cause an MSVC warning.
"Warning incompatilbe environment when importing module: "std.compat": _UTF8 is defined in current command line and not in module command line
My files are encoded as UTF8.
When I’m understanding this error message correctly the imported module (in my case import std.compat) is not compiled with UTF8

=> so 1) is this a bug. if so, I’ll report it at the bugtracker :wink:
2) can I somehow tell cmake to build the std modules with utf8 as well?

thx for your help :slight_smile:

Edit: My Compiler Invocation looks like this
Hostx64\x64\cl.exe /nologo /TP -DFMT_SHARED -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\" -Ixxxx -external:W0 /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /EHsc /MP /bigobj /EHsc /Zc:__cplusplus /w15038 /MP /bigobj /EHsc /Zc:__cplusplus /w15038 /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 -std:c++latest -MDd -ZI /WX /wd4702 /utf-8 - MyFile.cpp

as you can see there is a /utf-8 flag passed to the command line (although this is somehow set by cmake. We are not setting this explictly)