How to Simplify build time commands

Hi everyone,
i’m writing a target for building and uploading at build time a custom target, and i have written a monster like this:

        # Install target in installDir within its binary folder
        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --install $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${targetName},BINARY_DIR> --config $<CONFIG> --prefix $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${targetName},BINARY_DIR>/installDir
        # Zip installed headers and upload them on remote repository
        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -Durl=${BASE_URL}/$<CONFIG>/includes/${targetName}/ -DfileName=$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${targetName},BINARY_DIR>/installDir/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/ -P buildTimeNetworking.cmake
        # Zip generated target file and upload it on remote repository
        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar cf $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${targetName},BINARY_DIR>/${targetName}.zip $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${targetName},BINARY_DIR>/installDir/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/$<TARGET_FILE:${targetName}>
        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -Durl=${BASE_URL}/$<CONFIG>/libs/${targetName}/${targetName}.zip -DfileName=$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${targetName},BINARY_DIR>/installDir/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/${targetName}.zip -P buildTimeNetworking.cmake

Is there a way to simplify build time commands creating variables (that contains generator expressions) to be shared among commands?
Thanks in advance for any help

You could probably write this as a CMake script that you execute with -P after doing file(GENERATE) to get the genexes expanded (or pass them as -D argument values).

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Thanks a lot, didn’t know about file(GENERATE) command