How to identify GraceHopper and GraceGrace nodes?


I’m not sure where to ask about this so I’ll try here. Namely, I maintain code that uses:

## Print out the processor description
cmake_host_system_information(RESULT proc_description QUERY PROCESSOR_DESCRIPTION)
message(STATUS "Processor description: ${proc_description}")

to figure out the processor and then set flags accordingly if possible.

However, recently I got access to a GraceHopper and GraceGrace node and both return (with CMake 3.30.1):

-- Processor description: 1 core 0 MHz Unknown family

I mean, new hardware and all not unexpected, though usually CMake does pretty well, so I’m guessing there isn’t some “table” with known hardware in the source.

So a two-part question:

  1. How can I help the community by getting GH and GG identification into CMake?
  2. What could be a secondary way to identify this outside of “pure” CMake?

Note: While not surprised it doesn’t know the processor type, I am surprised it doesn’t figure out how many cores there are on at least the CPU side. grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo does return 72 and 144.