How to create different filters for the same files in different projects?

Solution to quickly reproduce the problem:

I have this file structure:

    My Solution(dir)
          +-- CMakeLists.txt
          +-- MainProject(dir)
              +-- File1.cpp
              +-- File1.h
              +-- File2.cpp
              +-- File2.h
              +-- Subdirectory(dir)
                  +-- File1.cpp
                  +-- File1.h
                  +-- File2.cpp
                  +-- File2.h
          +-- TestMainProject(dir)
              +-- TestFile1.cpp
              +-- TestFile2.cpp
              +-- Subdirectory(dir)
                  +-- TestFile1.cpp
                  +-- TestFile2.cpp

For the MainProject I’d like to include all files from the MainProject folder with filters following the folder structure.
For the TestMainProject I’d like to include all files from the MainProject folder with filters following the folder structure but also put all these files under the MainProject filter. Same for the TestMainProject directory: put all files under the TestMainProject filter and follow the folder structure.

So I wrote this code:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

project("CMake Subdirectories Filters Example")

set(main_project_name "MainProject")
set(main_project_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${main_project_name}")
file(GLOB_RECURSE main_project_files "${main_project_path}/*.h" "${main_project_path}/*.cpp")
add_executable(${main_project_name} ${main_project_files})
source_group(TREE "${main_project_path}/" FILES ${main_project_files})

function(group_source_files_into_filter_with_folder_structure files_list project_path filter_to_put_into)
	foreach(file_path IN LISTS files_list)
		get_filename_component(file_directory_path "${file_path}" DIRECTORY)
		string(REPLACE ${project_path} ${filter_to_put_into} file_path_msvc_relative "${file_directory_path}")
		string(REPLACE "/" "\\" source_path_msvc "${file_path_msvc_relative}")
		source_group("${source_path_msvc}" FILES "${file_path}")

set(test_main_project_name "TestMainProject")
set(test_main_project_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${test_main_project_name}")
file(GLOB_RECURSE test_main_project_files "${test_main_project_path}/*.h" "${test_main_project_path}/*.cpp")
add_executable(${test_main_project_name} ${main_project_files} ${test_main_project_files})
group_source_files_into_filter_with_folder_structure("${main_project_files}" "${main_project_path}" "${main_project_name}")
group_source_files_into_filter_with_folder_structure("${test_main_project_files}" "${test_main_project_path}" "${test_main_project_name}")

It almost does the job:

It does create filters as I want it to for the TestMainProject: it creates the additional TestMainProject filter for the TestMainProject folder and additional MainProject filter for the MainProject folder.

The problem is that it also creates additional MainProject filter in the MainProject project, which isn’t what I’d like it to do.

Here’s what I’d like to achieve:

See how there is no MainProject filter inside the MainProject project but inside the TestMainProject there are filters for MainProject and TestMainProject folders.

Is there a way to do what I would like to do? Feels like I hit a limit of CMake and there’s no way because, apparently, source_group is global and it creates the group for the files for all projects.

source_group is not global. From

The group is scoped in the directory where the command is called, and applies to sources in targets created in that directory.

So you may get the behavior that you want by creating MainProject and TestMainProject in subfolders.

source_group is not global. From
The group is scoped in the directory where the command is called, and applies to sources in targets created in that directory.
So you may get the behavior that you want by creating MainProject and TestMainProject in subfolders.

Thanks, at first I didn’t understand, but I got it now. I put CMakeLists.txt in sub-folders and got this in the end:
CMakeLists.txt in the root directory:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

project("CMake Subdirectories Filters Example")

set(main_project_name "MainProject")
set(main_project_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${main_project_name}")
file(GLOB_RECURSE main_project_files "${main_project_path}/*.h" "${main_project_path}/*.cpp")


CMakeLists.txt in the MainProject folder:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

add_executable(${main_project_name} ${main_project_files})
source_group(TREE "${main_project_path}/" FILES ${main_project_files})

CMakeLists.txt in the TestMainProject folder:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

set(test_main_project_name "TestMainProject")
set(test_main_project_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${test_main_project_name}")
file(GLOB_RECURSE test_main_project_files "${test_main_project_path}/*.h" "${test_main_project_path}/*.cpp")
add_executable(${test_main_project_name} ${main_project_files} ${test_main_project_files})
source_group(TREE "${main_project_path}/" PREFIX "${main_project_name}" FILES ${main_project_files})
source_group(TREE "${test_main_project_path}/" PREFIX "${test_main_project_name}" FILES ${test_main_project_files})

Now it generates the correct filters.