I’m getting boost 1.77 thru conan for my small project. It is downloaded fine and seems to exist in its entirety in my conan cache. My CMakeLists.txt has a find_package line:
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread system REQUIRED)
which succeeds (i.e. Boost_FOUND is true)
later I link against boost headers as well as system and thread like this:
and this all passes CMake configuration.
However, it appears no useful include directories are being added on the compile line for files that are part of the gameplay library. My own project’s cpp and h files can’t find the likes of <boost/statechart/asynchronous_state_machine.hpp>
or boost/asio.hpp
I get messages during CMake configuration like -- Conan: Component target declared Boost::boost
so I’m not sure how to debug this.
I added:
get_property(propVal TARGET Boost::boost PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
message(STATUS "Boost::boost include dirs: ${propVal}")
and it comes back empty. I’m really just looking for hints on how to debug what’s going wrong here.