Documentation of the set() command


In the set() command help :

If at least one <value>... is given, set the variable to that value.
Which one, among the n values ?

This line should mention that the values are set as an array.

Not really. There is no such thing as an array in CMake. All values are just strings. In various places throughout CMake, the string value may be interpreted as a list of semicolon-separated values, but the variable is still just a string.

Reading the part of the docs you mention though, I can see the wording could be improved.

The following sentences near the top of the page are easy to miss, but they explain the area you’re querying:

Signatures of this command that specify a <value>... placeholder expect zero or more arguments. Multiple arguments will be joined as a semicolon-separated list to form the actual variable value to be set.

Easy to miss, but also easy to get (to be honest, I opened your book PDF to get the info…) ! I plead guilty.
But yes, it does explain fully what I was asking.

Reading the part of the docs you mention though, I can see the wording could be improved.

Yes, I think the info could be repeated.