Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - failed


We are getting Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - failed error message.

PFA log of the error and CopyOfCmakeCache.txt. Kindly help us in resolving the error.

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CopyOfCMakeCache.txt (14 KB)

This looks like a Clang-based compiler named tricore? Is that from HighTec? I suspect that CMake might need to understand how to use this compiler; are toolchains freely available? If not, it would be greatly appreciated if nightly builds could be provided using the toolchain so that support can persist once implemented.

Cc: @brad.king

HighTec is a commercial compiler. For the Tricore architecture, it is based on GCC.

This is an embedded compilation, so a toolchain needs to be set up. With set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic) et al, there should be no problem.