CPack+NSIS adding version/product name/product name/copyright to the "Details Tab"

When using the NSIS CPack, is there any way to have it set the executable Properties?

Usually you add a RC file to a home grown EXE/DLL to do this, or run rcedit after it exists.

I have the version and appname etc set for and works great for my executable, but the installer exe itself is missing the information

In case anyone is looking for a solution to this, I was able to get it working.

First note, your version requires 4 unsigned 16 bit integers (nothing over 65535) the executable stores them as 2 32 bit integers, but the Windows API is 16 bit here.

There are a number of fields that are commonly used, but 2 have special meaning and must use the correct format. VIProductVesion and VIFileVersion take numbers in the form v1.v2.v3.v4 which I use to represent Major.Minor.PatchHi.PatchLow (major and minor for my product are Year.Quarter, patch I break into high and low order 16 bit integers of the Change number)

You also have string based values, that can be pretty much anything, as well as language based.
ProductName, ProductVersion, Comments, CompanyName, LegalCopyright, FileDescription and FileVersion

For example

VIProductVersion 2022.1.1.55   // represent 2022.1.65591
VIFileVersion 2022.1.1.55
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "ProductName" "Scotts Product" 
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "ProductVersion" "2022.1.65591"  
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "Comments" "comment" 
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "CompanyName" "My company"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "LegalCopyright" "Copyright noticve"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "FileDescription" "Installer"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "FileVersion" "2022.1.65591"

To do this, I do the following,

VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 \\\"ProductName\\\" \\\"${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME}\\\"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 \\\"Comments\\\" \\\"${CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION}\\\"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 \\\"CompanyName\\\" \\\"${CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR}\\\"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 \\\"LegalCopyright\\\" \\\"${CPACK_PACKAGE_COPYRIGHT}\\\"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 \\\"FileDescription\\\" \\\"${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME} Installer\\\"

It would be nice if these were “Known CPACK_NSIS…” variables.