CMake Silent Install with Options Help


I am trying to find the right command line to enter for silently installing CMake 3.15.5 while also having it autoselect the radio button “Add CMake to the system PATH for all users”. Everything I’ve tried so far results in the program installing in either the C: root directory or Program Files folder, but no entry made to the system PATH.

For example: msiexec /i <cmake.msi path> ALLUSERS=1 /qn installs the program but not the PATH system variable.

Thank you.

I don’t know if CPack exposes mechanisms for such things. Maybe there’s a variable you can pass though?

Cc: @brad.king

The CMake .msi package is produced by the configuration here with WiX.

This worked for me:

msiexec /i cmake-x.y.z-windows-x86_64.msi ALLUSERS=1 ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System /qn