CMake Generator Expression IN_LIST

I have the following CMake setup which is not including the sources as expected. (PLATFORM is set to by a toolchain file, note I’m not using CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME because one of my platforms (not listed below) isn’t supported by that convention). Note I’m including the multiple variations below since none seem to work for me.

        $<IN_LIST:${PLATFORM},"Qnx Linux">:platform-source.cpp>
        # oddly enough this works for target_sources but not for target_link_libraries

What am I missing here?

$<IN_LIST:...> is a boolean genex, so it returns 0or1. You have to encapsulate this genex in the logical operator $<BOOL:string>. The $< is missing at the beginning of the expression:

        $<$<IN_LIST:${PLATFORM},"Qnx Linux">:platform-source.cpp>

Sorry that was a typo in my post :frowning:
I do have

        $<$<IN_LIST:${PLATFORM},"Qnx Linux">:platform-source.cpp>
        # oddly enough this works for target_sources but not for target_link_libraries

Which still doesn’t work as expected.

A basic rule for genex is to encapsulate a genex in quotes.

From your example, the first item is wrong because "Qnx Linux" is not a list. Nor the second because it is encapsulated in quotes.

The third syntax is OK except that, because the genex is not in quotes, it will be expanded during target_sources evaluation and your arguments will be divided in two items: $<$<IN_LIST:${PLATFORM},Qnx and Linux>:platform-source.cpp>

The correct syntax is:


That worked, thank you!

It would be helpful if that was mentioned in the documentation ( Their examples with target_compile_definitions do not put the generator expression in quotes.