When running CMAKE - it will sometimes print a message like this:
CMake Error at foo/board-bar/CMakeLists.txt:117:
Question #1 - Is there a way to tell CMAKE to print the ABSOLUTE path to the file instead?
Question #2 - When CMAKE executes GMAKE …
how can I get Cmake to execute with “gmake -C ${SOMEDIR} target”
Instead of internal doing: “cd ${SOMEDIR} ; gmake target”
simply put - there are tools that "automatically parse the output for errors.
VS Code is an example, as does Emacs when you “compile things”
Both tools then convert the ERROR messages into “clickable links” to take you to the issue.
OPTION 1 - The clickable error link involves an ABSOLUTE path or RELATIVE PATH
ABSOLUTE Paths are easy… relative paths depend on the current directory
GMAKE - if you use “-C ${DIRNAME}” - will print
Entering directory '${SOMEDIR}'
Leaving directory '${SOMEDIR}'
Smart tools - track / search for these messages and then use these messages to help find or track the state of the current directory - and thus - it makes the CLICKABLE errors usable
EMACS reference link:
VIM - has similar features known as :cnext and :cprevious
I don’t know how to find a Link for Visual Code…