CMake 3.16-rc3 with the Xcode generator generates invalid entry for CMakeLists.txt

Hopefully this is the right location to post this.

I gave a try with CMake 3.16-rc3 on one of our projects, and noticed that when I viewed the generated .xcodeproj in the Xcode IDE each target had a weird empty entry that when opened, stated “The file couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it.”

Here’s a screenshot from trying to build googletest:

This is happening in each project I’ve tried, and note the blank entries where you’d normally see a CMakeLists.txt.

Looking in the generated project.pbxproj, I notice a weird entry in the PBXGroup section:

            FCC28A7F74264D458770B641 /* gtest */ = {
                    isa = PBXGroup;
                    children = (
                            BF1EA80837A243D48244B25D /* Source Files */,
                    name = gtest;
                    sourceTree = "<group>";

Also note that the above hash points to a broken entry in the PBXFileReferenceSection:

A820BC1E8A784BAFB1E02AA9 = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = sourcecode; fileEncoding = 4; name = ""; path = ""; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };

Compare that to the same project in CMake 3.15.4:


            A41D9DD3481542C7A0523855 /* gtest */ = {
                    isa = PBXGroup;
                    children = (
                            283C4B2C019A4C44AE0E5379 /* Source Files */,
                            4E8A6F14AAD84ED990C56B02 /* /Users/remyjette/src/googletest/googletest/CMakeLists.txt */,
                    name = gtest;
                    sourceTree = "<group>";

and PBXFileReference

4E8A6F14AAD84ED990C56B02 /* /Users/remyjette/src/googletest/googletest/CMakeLists.txt */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = sourcecode.text; fileEncoding = 4; name = CMakeLists.txt; path = googletest/CMakeLists.txt; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };

@remyjette thanks for trying the release candidate! This looks like a regression, so please go ahead and open an issue in the CMake Issue Tracker.

Thanks! I just did so here