Wondering if this is supported, or I’m doing something wrong.
I have a line that works:
set_target_properties(NSPR::NSPR PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/darwin_arm64/libnspr4.a"
But then breaks when I put in a generator expression (simplifying the internals to BOOL/ON for now):
set_target_properties(NSPR::NSPR PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION "$<$<BOOL:ON>:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/darwin_arm64/libnspr4.a>"
The error that comes up makes me think that the generator expression is unsupported, and is just being directly put into the final compiler command:
ninja: error: '$<$<BOOL:ON>:/Users/chrisapple/code/spatial/tps/nspr/nspr/lib/darwin_arm64/libnspr4.a>', needed by 'bin/quaterniontest', missing and no known rule to make it