application show the banner image


I write a application with cmake
how to show the image when I start my application.
Like google, picture, …

This probably involves a .desktop file. You’ll need to package one properly with your application for this to work; CMake doesn’t do anything with these icons on Linux.

Do you have the sample for all process.

ParaView’s .desktop file is here. The CMake code to handle installation is here. The spec has more fields that may be of interest.

It is so great. Thanks

I only see it put the .desktop into “${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/applications”
And then nothing to do. Does the project have the special command to implement the .desktop


Here I found.
But I meet the problem that the command is not work.
If it work, I expect the 123.desktop will write to ~/.local/share/applications/123.desktop

sudo xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor --mode system /usr/share/applications/123.desktop


sudo xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor --mode user /usr/share/applications/123.desktop

Here is the successful command without sudo.
And it will write 123.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications/123.desktop.
But there is not the 123.desktop on ~/.local/share/applications/ for the other user

xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor /usr/share/applications/123.desktop

If you’re installing for multiple users, you can install to the system location. If you want it to be user-local, each user will need to install the application themselves.