I have three cmake-based projects: Flock, Bedrock, and Mofka. Mofka depends on Flock and Bedrock. Bedrock depends on Flock. Flock has the following in flock-config.cmake.in (which is configured and installed as flock-config.cmake):
add_library (flock::server ALIAS flock-server)
Bedrock uses find_package(flock REQUIRED) to find Flock, and builds fine, linking its library with target_link_libraries(bedrock PRIVATE flock::server). The bedrock-config.cmake.in has this:
find_dependency (flock)
In the Mofka project I also have find_package (bedrock REQUIRED) and find_package (flock REQUIRED), but cmake gives me the following error:
CMake Error at [...]/share/cmake/flock/flock-config.cmake:49 (add_library)
add_library cannot create ALIAS target "flock::server" because another target with the same name already exists.
I am under the impression that CMake loads flock-config.cmake twice (once when doing find_package(flock) and once when doing find_package(bedrock)), causing this add_library to be processed twice. Is my diagnosis correct and if so, how to I fix this? Is calling add_library in a -config.cmake file not correct?
It sounds like you are creating the *-config.cmake files manually, which of course works too, but I would probably recommend you to rely on standard CMake helpers for auto-generating those.
Anyway, the problem you are experiencing might be due to the fact that when CMake auto-generates those configs and targets files, this is how library targets are defined there, for example:
add_library(some::thing STATIC IMPORTED)
so maybe your config is missing this IMPORTED argument?
Also you should probably add CONFIG argument to your find_package() calls, since you are providing CMake configs for those libraries.
check_required_components (flock)
include (CMakeFindDependencyMacro)
find_dependency (PkgConfig)
pkg_check_modules (margo REQUIRED margo)
pkg_check_modules (json-c REQUIRED json-c)
include ("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/flock-targets.cmake")
add_library (flock::server ALIAS flock-server)
Flocks’ CMakeLists.txt has add_library (flock::server ALIAS flock-server), but I looked into the generated flock-targets.cmake and it flock::server doesn’t show up, only flock-server, that’s why I initially added it to flock-config.cmake.in.
That looks like the source of the problem. If you are relying on auto-generated configs/targets, then all the required add_library() statements should be added there automatically.