What should the DESTINATION be for a header only library's CMake config file?

You can pick any location that would be searched by the default find_package() search path. My typical recommendations are:

  • If the package contains binaries, then config files should be associated with the architecture-specific library subdirectory. On multi-architecture platforms, this matters because packages may be co-located under a common prefix, but libraries get installed to architecture-specific subdirectories below lib. To handle this in a convenient way, I put the package config files in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/<packageName>, where ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} is provided by the GNUInstallDirs module.
  • For packages that do not produce binaries (e.g. packages that provide CMake targets that are header-only libraries), it may be better to put the package config files in an architecture-independent location. For this, share/cmake/<packageName> may be more suitable.

Note that whatever you choose, package managers may force the use of something else anyway in their own recipes. For example, from what I recall, vcpkg will force all scenarios to use share/cmake/<packageName>. You don’t need to follow that in your own project, but do be aware that your choice may not be respected by others who repackage your project.