The Official CMake Tutorial Is Intimidating

I’m trying to get my company to transition to using CMake.

I have found the official CMake tutorial to be intimidating to new users of CMake. (By the way the first time I started using CMake I felt the same way).

Here is my design suggestion.

Breakup the tutorial.

Currently there are different steps in the tutorial. However it’s all on the same page.

I think it should be broken up into more pages.

Because having Step1, Step2, etc. on the same page is scary or boring depending on the person.


Thanks. I opened CMake Issue 21737 to track this. Splitting out each step into its own page sounds good to me.


Please have a look at CMake MR 6217 for a splitted tutorial.

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So … here’s an even more basic question, possibly I should just start a new topic but whatever.
Where is this tutorial test code? Step1? Step2? I would expect to find it at the tutorial site as shown above or something.

The tutorial says at the beginning:

The tutorial documentation and source code for examples can be found in the Help/guide/tutorial directory of the CMake source code tree.

So you need to download the CMake source as zip/tar.gz or clone from the git repository. Here’s the online Gitlab link:

Got it, thanks. I can see now that my problem is that I downloaded the Binary Distribution rather than the Source because I thought … well, never mind what I thought. :roll_eyes:

Thanks a lot.