Setup a custom preprocessor: using without wrapper function and dependencies

We are using CMake for a larger Fortran-based project in which we are also employing the Fypp preprocessor.
To implement this I added a function ADD_FYPP_SOURCES which takes the files, defines a custom command and returns the output files which are then added to the library:


  foreach (f ${ARGN})
    # first we might need to make the input file absolute
    get_filename_component(f "${f}" ABSOLUTE)
    get_filename_component(ext "${f}" EXT)
    # get the relative path of the file to the current source dir
    # set the output filename of fypped sources
    set(of "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${rf}")

    # create the output directory if it doesn't exist
    get_filename_component(d "${of}" PATH)
    if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${d}")
      file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${d}")
    endif ()

    if ("${f}" MATCHES ".F$")
      # append the output file to the list of outputs
      list(APPEND outfiles "${of}")
      # now add the custom command to generate the output file
        OUTPUT "${of}"
        COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${FYPP_EXECUTABLE} ARGS ${fypp_flags}
                "${f}" "${of}"
        MAIN_DEPENDENCY "${f}"
    elseif ("${f}" MATCHES ".h$")
      # append the output file to the list of outputs
      list(APPEND outfiles "${of}")
      # now add the custom command to generate the output file
        OUTPUT "${of}"
        COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${FYPP_EXECUTABLE} ARGS "-F" "${f}" "${of}"
        DEPENDS "${f}")
    else ()
      configure_file("${f}" "${of}" COPYONLY)
    endif ()
  endforeach ()

  # build a custom target to fypp seperately (required for example by the doc
  # target)
  add_custom_target("fypp_${OUTVAR}" DEPENDS ${outfiles})
  add_dependencies(fypp "fypp_${OUTVAR}")

  # set the output list in the calling scope
endfunction ()

Since we are running everything through the preprocessor, is there a way to simply register it as a pre-build step without having to use such a wrapper function?
Furthermore the preprocessor language allows for includes which are not tracked by CMake (e.g. when the included file is changed, there is no rebuild), how can we tell CMake (and then make & ninja) about such a dependency?

Currently, there is no such facility but you can teach CMake to manage dependencies if you can meet the following requests:

  • Use Ninja family generators
  • Be able to generate a file describing the dependencies

In this case, you can use the DEPFILE option of add_custom_command() command.