matlab_add_mex configures conflicting warning options for MSVC

Hi, CMake silences compiler warnings for MEX_VERSION_FILE (c_mexapi_version.c or cpp_mexapi_version.cpp) for a list of compilers with a -w switch. When building with the MSVC compiler, this creates a compiler warning about conflicting warning reporting settings if the user has previously set a different warning reporting level. This change seems to be implemented in this commit.

The warning from MSVC could look e.g. like this
cl : command line warning D9025: overriding '/W3' with '/w'

With at least some recent versions of MSVC, the rightmost conflicting option is used, in this case the one that suppresses the warnings, so the warning is mostly a nuisance. However, it does not seem possible to get rid of this warning by other means than suppressing compiler warnings for the whole mex target.

Would there be a way for CMake to overwrite the existing warning option for that file, rather than appending -w to the compiler options?