"""Miscellaneous rules that aren't language-specific."""
def genrule(name:str, cmd:str|list|dict, srcs:list|dict=None, out:str=None, outs:list|dict=None, deps:list=None,
exported_deps:list=None, labels:list&features&tags=None, visibility:list=None,
building_description:str='Building...', data:list=None, hashes:list=None, timeout:int=0, binary:bool=False,
sandbox:bool=None, needs_transitive_deps:bool=False, output_is_complete:bool=True,
test_only:bool&testonly=False, secrets:list|dict=None, requires:list=None, provides:dict=None,
pre_build:function=None, post_build:function=None, tools:str|list|dict=None, pass_env:list=None,
local:bool=False, output_dirs:list=[], exit_on_error:bool=CONFIG.EXIT_ON_ERROR, entry_points:dict={},
env:dict={}, optional_outs:list=[]):
"""A general build rule which allows the user to specify a command.
name (str): Name of the rule
cmd (str | dict | list): Command to run.
If given as a string, it's a single command that's used always (the most common case).
If given as a list, it's a sequence of commands run one after another if the
preceding command is successful (i.e. it's equivalent to ' && '.join(cmd)).
If given as a dict, the keys correspond to the build config to run and the values
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