I am using cmake + ninja + Tasking C compiler to build an Infineon Aurix TC3xx project
for instance:
add_executable(“${sw_product}” ${project_source})
the “project_source” contain all the necessary .c files for the project to build
meanwhile I also make a collection of all the header file path (path, not files) like this:
target_include_directories(“${sw_product}” PRIVATE ${project_include} )
The rebuild function work very well
my problem now is for incremental build, if I change the .c file, the cmake can detect the change automatically and only build the changed .c files
but when I change the .h files or the linkerscript (.lsl file), the cmake just ignore it
I read many articles in google and chatGPT. All the adviced measure doesn’t work for my use case. I have a feeling the cmake support (at least documenation) for Tasking compiler is not so well established as common compiler (like gnu gcc)
can anybody here help? at least clarify, why the cmake doen’t support .h files change so easily just like .c file change detection?