How is `CMAKE_NINJA_OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX` supposed to work?

I’m seeing the same error in a different context, when trying to generate a build using clang from within VS2019.

I’m using the very nice feature whereby you give VS2019 a CMakeLists.txt file, rather than a pre-generated project file, and it allows you to add clang as a compiler and automatically generates a ninja project file.

In my case, though, there is a custom target that uses Bison to generate a .cpp file from a .y file.

    configure_file(${UTILITIES_DIRECTORY}/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/GENERATED/bisonparse.cmake @ONLY)
    add_custom_target(bisonparse ALL
                                               -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/GENERATED/bisonparse.cmake

My file (and consequently the genarated bisonparse.cmake file) contains a message(“…”) statement each time it is invoked by the custom target, so I can verify that this does indeed happen only once during project generation.

Nevertheless, the configuration fails with the message:

'<path>/ninja.exe' '-C' <CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR>/x64-Clang-Debug' '-t' 'recompact'

failed with:

ninja: error: multiple rules generate GENERATE/<path>/MyParser.cpp [-w dupbuild=err].

If I then dig out and look up line 9351, I find it’s in a section headed

# Custom command for CMakeFiles\bisonparse

…which is similar but by no means identical to another section earlier in the file headed

# Utility command for bisonparse

I’ve no idea what’s going on, but I thought I might at least be able to work around it by specifying

-w dupbuild=warn

to get a warning instead of an error, but I found a bug report here stating that there isn’t any way that I can pass the option ‘-w dupbuild=warn’ to the ‘recompact’ function, which is where the failure occurs.

So I’m stumped on this, and for the time being I’ve moved over to Linux in the hope that it will let me generate a GNU Makefile there using clang.