Could not find CMAKE_ROOT

Yes, I will do so.
And many thanks. And I see a Solution marker. I will mark the “Deleting” post as solution.


Bye, best of luck!

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I just run into this - I’m on an Nvidia Jetson TX2 (64 bit arm, aarch64) running Linux4Tegra 32.3 (Ubuntu 18.04) - I installed the system cmake (3.10.2) and then built a newer version from source:

tar -xf cmake-$cmake_version.tar.gz
cd cmake-$cmake_version
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

typing which cmake returns the version in /usr/local/bin as expected, but when building other packages in my script I got this same error–apparently it was somehow finding the /usr/bin version. I just uninstalled the system cmake sudo apt remove cmake and all was right.

what is the different between Cmake and Ccmake ?
i want to update new version of ccmake still struggle.

thank you

For Windows:
copy cmake exucutable. Then create the folder structure which the error message pointing to.
Paste the cmake executable there. Delete the folder structure which contained older cmake executable
Worked for me

cmake is the actual build generator and ccmake is a graphical frontend

If I recall right, the actual solution for me on ubuntu was simply to run hash -r from the terminal. It turns out that bash had cached some paths from when I was using the system cmake so when I switched to using the newly built version, it got the paths all messed up. hash -r flushes this cache so it got things right on the next run.


If you’re on windows, open powershell as an administrator and run choco install cmake

I ran into similar issue. I exited from my terminal and opened new terminal and then it worked fine.

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Same worked for me