cmake fileapi not catching add_subdirectory calls in backtraceGraph


I’m using fileapi codemodel and i"m wondering if there is a reason why add_subdirectory calls are not reflected in backtraceGraph, when all other calls seem to be there? (e.g. add_library, custom functions, target_include_directories, etc…)

As a follow up question, backtraceGraph for a target that is declared 2 levels below the main CMakeLists.txt (2 add_subdirectory calls from CMakeLists.txt) does not contain the root CMakeLists.txt in its backtrace graph, is that expected behavior? if a target is declated 1 level below (1 add_subdirectory call), it produces an expected backtraceGraph…

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


All CMake’s backtraces are rooted in a (sub)directory’s CMakeLists.txt and don’t go across directories.

For your 2-level v. 1-level case, please post a concrete code example.


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I think i will need to provide a reproducer properly…
closing for now…