We are pleased to announce that CMake 3.30.8 is now available for download.
Please use the latest release from our download page:
See also the release notes and release milestone
Thanks for your support!
Changes made since CMake 3.30.7:
Brad King (8):
- cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker: Construct with initializer list syntax
- cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker: De-duplicate constructor signature
- Tests: Split CustomTransitiveProperties argument checks into helper
- Tests: Extend CustomTransitiveProperties with non-transitive LINK_LIBRARIES
- Tests: Extend CustomTransitiveProperties with custom transitive LINK_LIBRARIES
- GenEx: Restore evaluation context for conditional transitive properties
- GenEx: Fix evaluation of LINK_LIBRARIES as custom transitive property
- CMake 3.30.8
Josef Angstenberger (1):
- TIClang: Make ARM architecture id uppercase