Building 3.29.8 on Debian Buster

Hi, I recently posted about trying to build latest CMake release. Now I am struggling with building 3.29.8 on Debian Gnu/Linux 10 (Buster) with gcc 8.3.0. I have successfully built the code but the build fails to build the documentation. In my terminal:

~/Build-src/olderCMake/cmake-3.29.8/build$ make documentation/fast
[100%] sphinx-build man: see Utilities/Sphinx/build-man.log

Exception occurred:
File “/home/somian/Build-src/olderCMake/cmake-3.29.8/Utilities/Sphinx/”, line 30, in
assert sphinx.version_info >= (2,)
The full traceback has been saved in /tmp/sphinx-err-0zahprau.log, if you want to report the issue to the developers

Here’s that log:

Sphinx version: 1.8.4

Python version: 3.7.3 (CPython)

Docutils version: 0.14

Jinja2 version: 2.10

Last messages:

Loaded extensions:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sphinx/cmd/”, line 303, in build_main
args.tags, args.verbosity,, args.keep_going)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sphinx/”, line 228, in init
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sphinx/”, line 449, in setup_extension
self.registry.load_extension(self, extname)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sphinx/”, line 472, in load_extension
mod = import(extname, None, None, [‘setup’])
File “/home/somian/Build-src/olderCMake/cmake-3.29.8/Utilities/Sphinx/”, line 30, in
assert sphinx.version_info >= (2,)

It appears that a version (1.8.4) of sphinx is “bundled” with the CMake source distribution and that the build apparatus just ignores a newer version of Sphinx installed on the system (which I did). Can anyone familiar with the big pictures confirm or disprove this?

No matter what the reply, thank you for you valuable time & attention,
Soren A

We don’t bundle Sphinx itself, but we do have our own Sphinx extension that requires Sphinx 2 or higher.

Debian Buster packages Sphinx 1.8.4:

$ docker run -it --rm --platform linux/i386 debian:buster bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-cache policy python3-sphinx'
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 1.8.4-1
  Version table:
     1.8.4-1 500
        500 buster/main i386 Packages

Ok, thanks. I see. But I did install a new version of Sphinx, although I did not need to do

This may be a reason it does not work - maybe the sphinx I installed did not really install correctly.