Bugg in CPack Generator for FreeBSD?

To whom it may concern

I am having problem with CPack creating pkg packages for FreeBSD 13. In CPack that can be installed from repository there is no FREEBSD CPack generator. I followed this suggestion:


After having uninstalled the CMake that I was using (3.21.3) I could build CMake from source, but only at level (3.20.1), I suppose this is the level shipped with FreeBSD 13.

CPack -help now confirms that there is a FREEBSD generator (in uppercase) and when I build my project setting all the mandatory variables set here


everything looks fine. Trying to build the package I get this:

$ sudo cpack ./
CPack: Create package using FREEBSD
CPack: Install projects
CPack: - Run preinstall target for: ooRexx
CPack: - Install project: ooRexx []
CPack: Create package
CPack Error: Problem copying the package: /usr/home/osboxes/workspace/ooRexx-FreeBSD-build/oorexxBuild/_CPack_Packages/FreeBSD/FREEBSD/ooRexx-5.0.0.txz to /usr/home/osboxes/workspace/ooRexx-FreeBSD-build/oorexxBuild/ooRexx-5.0.0.txz
CPack Error: Error when generating package: ooRexx

Now, the error is for ooRexx-5.0.0.txz but I was building a pkg package and there is a ooRexx-5.0.0.pkg inside that very directory that can be installed, inspected etc.

My suspicion is that this reference to .txz is wrong, but I cannot change this myself.

Any help on how to get on with this is most welcome. Let me know if you need more information. I am neither a specialist on FreeBSD nor on CMake so please be specific if you want me to do something for a test.

P.O. Jonsson