Bug: Target install should allow possible absolute CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR

According to GNUInstallDirs an absolute CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR should be expected by install(TARGETS FILE_SET HEADERS).

But cmake generates configs which constructs include directories like “D:/Repositories/cmake/build/Tests/RunCMake/target_sources/FileSetAbsoluteInstallIncludeDirExport-build/install/D:/Repositories/cmake/build/Tests/RunCMake/target_sources/FileSetAbsoluteInstallIncludeDirExport-build/install/include” or “/nix/store/-//nix/store/-/include”.

Originally i discovered the issue while using NixOS, where they use absolute paths only for CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR.


I think this is a bug in the recent 3.23 FILE_SET feature.
This contains a failing test.

Your thoughts?

Is there a reason that CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and relative paths isn’t sufficient?

Cc: @kyle.edwards

Yeah, this is a bug. Go ahead and open an issue at https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues. I’ve opened an issue at https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/25010.

I’ve opened https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/merge_requests/8577 to fix this. @ItsBasi since you wrote the test case, how would you like to be credited in the commit message? (I see your commit message has an auto-generated GitHub email address.)