does anyone know of a complete syntax description for CMake? I’m planning to create more accurate syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
The CMake documentation is of course a good starting point.
does anyone know of a complete syntax description for CMake? I’m planning to create more accurate syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
The CMake documentation is of course a good starting point.
AFAIK the syntax is described in various Lex files:
for list file there is:
and some other for expression and command arguments.
Not sure this is the best readable way to get CMake syntax.
There is the cmake-format code too:
where some lexer may be found:
cmake_format/cmakelang/lex at master · cheshirekow/cmake_format ·
Don’t know how it is keep in sync with CMake upstream though. contains the formal language description, if that’s what you’re looking for.