To illustrate this parallel build bug for add_custom_command
with just one cp -p
command, here is my test CMakeLists.txt file.
project(test_cp NONE)
foreach(name ${name_list})
list(APPEND names ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${name})
list(APPEND staged_names ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${name})
endforeach(name ${name_list})
message(STATUS "DEBUG: names = ${names}")
message(STATUS "DEBUG: staged_names = ${staged_names}")
OUTPUT ${staged_names}
DEPENDS ${names}
The same directory contains two arbitrary files with older dates that I want to preserve in the copying process using cp -p
But here is what I get instead in the build tree
irwin@merlin> pwd
irwin@merlin> rm -rf ./*
irwin@merlin> # Note this is cmake-3.31.5 that I built myself with a standard script with
irwin@merlin> # no errors or warnings in the configuration or build process.
irwin@merlin> env PATH=/home/software/cmake/install-3.31.5/bin/:$PATH cmake ../cmake_test_cp/
-- DEBUG: names = /home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp/announcement-2.2.0.html;/home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp/announcement-2.2.1.html
-- DEBUG: staged_names = /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir/announcement-2.2.0.html;/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir/announcement-2.2.1.html
-- Configuring done (0.0s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir
By the way, that cmake build script contains the following lines (plus much else elided logic to determine SCRIPT_PATH
and git logic to pull cmake, identify which git tag or commit ID is being used for the build, gpg verify the tag, etc.)
# Tailor this part of the script according to your tastes.
# But if you don't tailor this part of the script, the
# result from the default values below should be OK.
# Number of parallel jobs should be two more than the
# number of hardware threads (16 for a Ryzen 7 1700 system)
# to get the maximum efficiency out of those threads.
# Compiler options for building cmake
export CFLAGS='-O3'
export CXXFLAGS='-O3'
# End of section that you might want to tailor according to your tastes.
# ... only if my bash script git logic says this is necessary
git clone cmake.git
#... build logic
mkdir -p ${SCRIPT_PATH}/build_dir
cd ${SCRIPT_PATH}/build_dir
# Use fresh start every time
rm -rf ${SCRIPT_PATH}/build_dir/* ${SCRIPT_PATH}/install-${CMAKE_VERSION}
echo "Bootstrapping the cmake build. This may take a while...."
nice -19 ${SCRIPT_PATH}/cmake.git/bootstrap \
--prefix=${SCRIPT_PATH}/install-${CMAKE_VERSION} \
--parallel=$JOBS --qt-gui --system-curl >& bootstrap.out
echo "Building cmake. This may take a while..."
nice -19 make -j$JOBS >& make.out
echo "Installing cmake."
nice -19 make -j$JOBS install >& make_install.out
irwin@merlin> make VERBOSE=1 -j18 build_staged_names
/home/software/cmake/install-3.31.5/bin/cmake -S/home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp -B/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 build_staged_names
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir'
/home/software/cmake/install-3.31.5/bin/cmake -S/home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp -B/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
/home/software/cmake/install-3.31.5/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir/CMakeFiles 1
make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 CMakeFiles/build_staged_names.dir/all
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir'
make -f CMakeFiles/build_staged_names.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/build_staged_names.dir/depend
make[3]: Entering directory '/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir'
cd /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir && /home/software/cmake/install-3.31.5/bin/cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp /home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir/CMakeFiles/build_staged_names.dir/DependInfo.cmake "--color="
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir'
make -f CMakeFiles/build_staged_names.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/build_staged_names.dir/build
make[3]: Entering directory '/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir'
[100%] Generating announcement-2.2.0.html, announcement-2.2.1.html
cp -p /home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp/announcement-2.2.0.html /home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp/announcement-2.2.1.html /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir'
[100%] Built target build_staged_names
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir'
/home/software/cmake/install-3.31.5/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir/CMakeFiles 0
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir'
irwin@merlin> ls -l ../cmake_test_cp/*.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 irwin irwin 5278 Jul 23 2007 ../cmake_test_cp/announcement-2.2.0.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 irwin irwin 6684 Jul 26 2008 ../cmake_test_cp/announcement-2.2.1.html
irwin@merlin> ***note bad date for second file***
irwin@merlin> ls -l *.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 irwin irwin 5278 Jul 23 2007 announcement-2.2.0.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 irwin irwin 6684 Feb 17 20:29 announcement-2.2.1.html
irwin@merlin> rm *.html
rm: remove regular file 'announcement-2.2.0.html'? y
rm: remove regular file 'announcement-2.2.1.html'? y
irwin@merlin> cp -p /home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp/announcement-2.2.0.html /home/irwin/cmake_test/cmake_test_cp/announcement-2.2.1.html /home/irwin/cmake_test/build_dir
irwin@merlin> ***note good date for second file***
irwin@merlin> ls -lt *.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 irwin irwin 6684 Jul 26 2008 announcement-2.2.1.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 irwin irwin 5278 Jul 23 2007 announcement-2.2.0.html
So the cp -p
command that VERBOSE=1
says the cmake-based build is using preserves the date of the first 2.2.0
file, but uses the current date for the second file (and subsequent files for more complicated experiments). And if I copy that VERBOSE=1
command exactly to the command line then I get the correctly dated result so the issue is not with the Linux cp -p
command on my PC. Furthermore, I assume that parallel builds should never mess up commands that are listed by VERBOSE=1
although, of course, it is well-known that parallel builds do intertwine output from commands that are running in parallel. But, of course, that doesn’t happen for this simple test case because there is only one command.
The -j18
option for make is copied from a much larger project that showed the same issue. And those parallel builds for that larger project (FreeEOS)
are essential since the test target takes something like 25 minutes to build without that option and only 4 minutes to build with that option. (That is, a Linux Ryzen 7 1700 PC
although quite dated is still a powerful development and testing system for parallel builds.) However, as an experiment I tried the build of this simple test without the -j18
option, and that produced a perfect result. So there is likely some build race issue in the above simple project, but I cannot see any race condition in the CMakeLists.txt file above (since only one command is being run) so I am virtually positive this problem is internal to how cmake processes that cp -p
command and therefore I have called it a CMake bug.
Hello again to all my CMake developer and coder acquaintences from years ago.
I sure hope cmake developers continue to be as
kind as they were in the old days.
Of course, it is possible there is something obvious I have missed
because in the last three years or so I have been otherwise occupied
so it was not possible for me to develop much at all. Of course,
starting up again with FreeEOS development after that time lapse I was ultra
cautious with results so I immediately noticed that date anomaly in
those `cp -p` results. Such date problems are practically important since I use
rsync to upload a generated website to, and those bad
dates mean extra uploads for files whose content has actually not
changed from the last rsync.
Two other experiments I tried with the parallel build were
option ==> same (bad date) result for second and subsequent files. So it appears this option is optional at least for simple commands like above. I did not try the experiment of dropping VERBATIM since my impression is non-VERBATIM results are deprecated to a certain extent. -
Did the above for CMake
that I built myself with the same standard script I used to build3.31.5
. ==> same (bad date) result for second and subsequent files. So it appears this CMake bug for parallel builds has has been around a long time. I view this bug as pretty serious since
it includes a subtle corruption of VERBOSE=1 results where the commands being given are not
actually what is run (since I got different results in the two cases). Is there a cmake option so that VERBOSE=1 gives the exact command(s) for what is run so that parallel race conditions that are internal to cmake can be debugged?
As in the old days, I find CMake bugs pretty well but don’t understand
C++ that well so cannot help much with the actual fix for whatever is
causing this bug. Nevertheless, I would certainly be happy to try
other experiments that the CMake developers might want to suggest
to help narrow down the cause of this bug.